Wedding Flowers Plymouth, Faux flower bouquets Plymouth

Wedding Flowers


QC Flowers can also hire out stunning Wedding Bouquets, Bridesmaid and Buttonholes. We can offer a wide variety of styles from Hand Tied, Posy’s and Teardrop arrangements our bouquets are in an array of realistic faux flower and colour hues to suit your wedding colour scheme.

The beauty of hiring your bouquet is that each bouquet will be hand delivered to you in tip top condition and will hold only happy memories.

There is an option to buy if you feel you would like to keep your memories or you can order your flowers to be made bespoke, if you require this instead. The choice is yours.

Hiring your wedding flowers will give you the option to choose the most exquisite of flowers.

Wedding Flowers Plymouth Rental Bouquets Faux Flowers
Wedding Bouquets Plymouth
Brides bouquet Plymouth
Wedding rental flowers bridal bouquets Plymouth
Wedding Flowers Plymouth
Wedding Flowers Plymouth
Rental Flowers Wedding Flowers Plymouth
Wedding Flowers Plymouth
Wedding Flowers Plymouth
Wedding Flower Rental Plymouth